Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Hey Guys,

I am getting more and more bullish long-term about the market's run. I've really been hitting the books and studying the relationship between the dollar and the markets. Everything seems to confirm that the government wants the dollar to go lower and basically inflate assets and equities in the short-term. They've done this before to emboldened and make Americans feel wealthier. Yahoo had a few videos today illustrating the rise and fall of recent Western empires and how America's rhymes to these stories. Also PIMCO released a great read too about the reserve currency and how it affords us to ride the downside of the dollar. Basically until oil gets out of control and/or there's a disorderly decline in the dollar the Fed will view what is happening as more than acceptable and may even be encouraging the dollar's demise.



Yahoo interview with Niall Ferguson:




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