Wednesday, January 4, 2012

January Trade Updates

Will be closing out a bunch of January positions in the near future - started today by closing the short JPM Jan 27 puts when price came down to a nickel. This trade worked well,started as the short Dec 29 puts which were rolled down to Jan 27 for a credit, so in the end it was good for about $2800.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Nice trade, I'm following JPM also.

  3. Next Update: With GLD going up decided it was a good day to take profits on the GLD Feb 130 Puts and move up the strike price. Had sold Feb 130 puts for 75 cents on 12/29, bought them back for 22 cents today. Then sold Feb 147 Puts for $1.40.

  4. ORCL Update:
    Bought to close 50 ORCL Jan 25 Puts today for $0.05. Had sold these for $0.625 on Dec 22, so this worked well.

  5. VALE Update:
    Bought to close 20 VALE Jan 20 Puts today for $0.05. This trade started in November and was rolled to Dec and Jan with total credits received of $0.78, so this worked well. Still have 40 of these puts in a different account that I plan to let expire but wanted to free some margin so closed part of the position today.

  6. POT Update: Short Vertical Put spread initiated on Dec 12 expired for maximal gain.

    VALE Update: The 40 short Jan 20 Puts which I had remaining expired worthless today for maximal gain.

  7. UNG Update: Forgot to mention this one, about 10 days ago rolled the short Jan 7 puts to Feb 7, and got $0.03 credit for the roll. UNG is ugly but the plan is to keep rolling this out as long as possible, and then start to sell calls if I ever get assigned on it.
