I am currently short the market via puts spreads on the SPY at 114/110 with July expiry. Although I am in bearish mode I have to, or for that matter we all have to be open to the fact that the complexion in the market can change at any time. I have not initiated any new positions since the put spreads that I bought on 5/17/10. One of the greatest things that I have come to learn over the last year is that you do not need to be making a trade every day. Sometimes it makes more sense to just sit back and watch and be ready for the next opportunity that comes your way. Keeping a large portion of cash keeps you armed and ready to attack at a moments notice.
On thing that I will be keeping my eye on is whether or not the SPY can close above its 200 day moving average at 110.84.
Good Luck Trading!
One up day makes a new confirmed uptrend? T3 Live quoted IBD too in an email blast this morning. I'll wait and see. I don't feel comfortable either direction right now. I think your money allocation says where you ultimately fall, I'm in mostly cash so I must be neutral. I could see fear slowly abating should current concerns not unfurl further and then Q2 results start coming in and the first week of July and take us higher. I could also see current concerns get worse and the market not reacting favorably to good news. And we've always got the wild card, the next major event to rile the markets might not be anything currently on the radar. Of course that threat always exists, but combined with the obvious headwinds I'm content to sit and wait for more clarity.