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Altria Group (MO) has been on a tear this year with a gain of 20.12%, and this doesn't even include the 6.5% dividend the stock pays. As shown below, MO is currently trading nicely above its 50-day moving average in a solid long-term uptrend.
As a tobacco maker, MO is generally considered a defensive name that investors flock to when the cyclicals aren't working and the economy is in flux. But a look at MO's historical yearly performance versus the S&P 500 shows just how much of a powerhouse the stock is. Since 1981, MO has averaged a yearly gain (not including dividends) of 18.54%, while the S&P 500 has averaged a gain of 8.77%. In the 23 years that the S&P 500 has been up for the year, MO has outperformed the index 20 times. In the 9 years that the S&P 500 has been down, MO has outperformed the index all 9 times. On average, MO has outperformed the index on a yearly basis by 9.76 percentage points. Outperformance in down markets as well as up markets is an attractive quality for a stock to have.
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With gold breaking to record highs every day lately, we thought now was as good a time as any to update our commodity snapshot. Below we provide our trading range charts for ten major commodities. In each chart, the green shading represents between two standard deviations above and below the 50-day moving average. Moves above or below the green zone are considered overbought or oversold.
Aside from oil and natural gas, every commodity shown is either at or above the top of its trading range. As shown, gold's recent move has pushed it outside of its range. Moves to similar levels over the last year have been met with pullbacks. Silver and platinum are also just above the top of their trading ranges as well. And if you thought the metals were overbought, check out the charts of corn and orange juice!