Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Waiting to get long volatility via VXX

The market is having an impressive rally this morning after it had tested 1036-1040 area of support 3 times in the last 6 sessions. It holds as support for now. I am however as usual suprised on the size of the upmove. I see more upside on the /ES at 1100, this is the area that I will be interested in getting long the VXX.

We have a jobs number out on Friday which may humble the bulls again. As I have mentioned I am leaned bullish for this week and maybe next. But this tendency depends on Friday's jobs number and how long it takes us to get to 1100 on the /ES as I think this will be the home of the next lower high before we make a move to test the July lows of 1002.75.

I highly anticipate a follow through up day tomorrow and if we get close enough I may try to get long the VXX before Fridays Jobs number if it looks attractive. I am leaning towards doing a risk/reversal by way of selling the ATM put and ATM call, where ever it is at time of execution. I expect that the VXX will be near 20 or maybe below, currently at 20.68 as I write.

I will keep you posted!


  1. I am interested in selling OTM puts rather than get long if we touch or break 20 on VXX. Strike price to be determined later.

  2. I actually just took a look and I like the OCT19 VXX puts at .80. That's a (.80/18.20) 4.4% return for 6 weeks and two days on something that can't possibly go to zero. That's 34%% a year if you could consistently get 4.4% on your money every six weeks 32 trading days. This is also a good counter income trade to my current short OTM puts. They can't both lose. If Vol falls off the map then my OTM puts expire worthless, and I have no problem only VXX at a cost average of 18.20 and either holding as insurance to get long, or writing covered calls to get back to break even.

  3. Ok, I am pulling the trigger. When I first looked at this trade I was looking at buying a synthetic or risk reversal by way of selling a put and buying a call. I was looking at selling the Sep $20 put and buying the $21 call for a credit of $0.15.

    But then I looked at selling the $21 put which is slightly ITM and I think it should accomplish about the same profit as the risk reversal at one less commission. I sold it for $1.40 and am looking for a 5% in Vol which should allow me to buy it back for half that value.

    Otherwise it sets me up with a breakeven of 19.65. Which as it stands right now I am comfortable with.

  4. I like this, if you end up close to even or slightly negative near expiration the prices are attractive to roll out and maybe even out and down a strike. I did end up selling the OCT19 for .80 yesterday. Maybe a little impatient doing all 10 yesterday instead of 5 to start, it's .90 bid right now. I'm comfortable owning VOL through October, and at a cost average of 18.20 there isn't an exit strategy.

  5. On todays upmove in equities and downmove in Vol, I sold 1 more Sep put at the $18 strike for a quarter.

  6. This morning we are getting a 8% pop in volatility, yet the VXX is only popping 1.15%. I am closing this trade out as I just don't like how disconected the two really are.

    Taking about a $70 loss on the trade.

  7. This kind of goes back to my origonal thought on this product, it is really a decaying asset. I think it may make more sense to short this product and buy calls for protection. It will mostly likely end up like FAZ and FAS, where they had to do a 20 to 1 Reverse split.

  8. Yeah I've been reading Adam Warner's daily rants about this instrument. Now that I'm long via short put exposure I've been following every day and not liking what I see. I still like the premiums you can get, but doesn't make sense to hold long unless they can do a better job of tracking. I need to learn how the VIX futures work.
