Below you see a screen on the earnings for
RIMM. Starting at the far right corner you can see the earnings dates and results for the past 8
quarters. Then to the right you see the meat and
potatoes of this screen. Starting with the top row of charts, you see how the underlying trading 5 days before and 5 days after earnings were announced, you also get the range the stock traded in during this 10 day period right below the charts. The next row of charts shows how the front month and next month straddle (ATM Call and ATM put) traded in the same 10 day period as well as the range. The last set of charts is what Implied
volatility did during this time frame for the front month and the next month as well as the ranges.
This could be a useful tool when trying to play earnings.
I've never tried to play earnings before but for the people who do, this looks like an invaluable tool.