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As you can see from the below charts, there are a lot of similiar breakout moves. The question is will they be able to conitinue to the upside? A lot of these names have been trading down to sideways for the longest time and are ripe for a move...
Great technical analysis Dom! I confirm everything you're seeing. I took profits on BX. Looks like the 50 SMA is where buyers are attracted in RIMM. Waiting to unload my SOHU around the gap resistance. Great find in STLD. That one is a no brainer.
Great technical analysis Dom! I confirm everything you're seeing. I took profits on BX. Looks like the 50 SMA is where buyers are attracted in RIMM. Waiting to unload my SOHU around the gap resistance. Great find in STLD. That one is a no brainer.
ReplyDeleteJust trying to keep things simple.